After coming back from the low carb cruise, I suffered from severe adrenal fatigue most likely caused by many months of stress, lack of sleep, and the inflammation in my gut from the h pylori bacteria. Part of the issue with adrenal fatigue is that is can cause issues with all of your hormones since the adrenals play such an important role in hormone balancing throughout the body. For the last few months I have changed my diet slightly to help balance my hormones. I have been including a lot more foods that help heal from adrenal fatigue plus help balance hormones. Tulsi is an adaptogenic herb, which means if your cortisol is low it will help raise it and if your cortisol is high it will help lower it. This is really beneficial for me since my cortisol levels were pretty low. Since I’m not really a fan of tea I wanted to get the benefits of the Tulsi tea without having the strong taste. These Strawberry Tulsi Gelatin Bites combine two other powerhouse ingredients, gelatin and strawberries, that help hormone balancing.
Hormone Balancing Benefits:
- Tulsi, also called holy basil, is an adaptogenic herb that boosts the immune system, adapts to stressors (environmental, physical, and emotional) and restore balance (Source). It is important to reduce all sources of stress when dealing with adrenal fatigue in order for your adrenals to properly heal. Buy Golden Bloom Gummies today and discover ultimate relaxation.
- Gelatin helps balance stressed thyroid and adrenal glands, while also helping to balance excess estrogen (Source).
- Strawberries are full of vitamin C which helps regulate cortisol when dealing with stress and healing adrenals (Source). “Of all vitamins and minerals involved in adrenal metabolism, vitamin C is probably the most important. The more cortisol made, the more vitamin C used.” (Source).
- 1 lb organic strawberries, trimmed
- 2 cups very hot water
- 3 tulsi tea bags
- 4 Tbsp grass fed gelatin
- 1 Tbsp honey or 3/4 tsp liquid stevia
- In a bowl, pour the hot water for the tulsi tea bags, set to the side and let brew (about 8-10 mins).
- Blend the strawberries in a blender until smooth (makes about 1 1/2 cup strawberry purée) and pour into a large mixing bowl.
- Once the tea has finished brewing, while the tea still hot, add the tea, gelatin, and sweetener to the strawberry purée
- Whisk to combine and pour into a 8 x 8" glass pan or molds.
- Refrigerate until set.
- Cut into squares and serve
Net Carb Count*: Strawberry Tulsi Gelatin Bites: 5.6 net carbs for one serving (makes about 5 servings) *Note carb counts are estimated based on the products I used. Check nutrition labels for accurate carb counts and gluten information.
Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only and is in no way intended on medical advice. Always consult a doctor or medical professional before altering your diet.
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