Finding the perfect gift for your son can be both exciting and challenging. Whether he’s a teenager navigating high school, a young adult embarking on new adventures, or anywhere in between, selecting a gift that resonates with his interests and personality is key. One thoughtful option is gift hampers canberra, which can be tailored to…
Thoughtful Gift Ideas for Your Son
Finding the perfect gift for your son can be both exciting and challenging. Whether he’s a teenager navigating high school, a young adult embarking on new adventures, or anywhere in between, selecting a gift that resonates with his interests and personality is key. One thoughtful option is gift hampers canberra, which can be tailored to…

Salted Caramel Ice Cream (Paleo and Low Carb Options)
Salted Caramel ice cream is one of my favorite flavors. The combination of sweet and salty is just perfect. This recipe is intended to be paleo and dairy free, but if you want to reduce your carbs I have a suggestion for a different caramel recipe and if you can tolerate dairy then heavy…

5 Tips for A Whole30 Compliant 4th of July
Summer is here and that means lots of summer barbecues, but it can be hard to navigate these gatherings to find healthy foods. If you’re not familiar with the Whole30 program, I definitely suggest checking it out here. It’s a free program I have done at least 4 times (I usually modify it for low…

Grain Free Trail Mix (Paleo and Low Carb)
Today I’m sharing a paleo and low carb trail mix that makes a great portable snack. With the warmer weather it’s a great time to go hiking or spend some time outside. Recently, I took a trip to the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina and whenever I travel I like to take healthy snacks…

Grain Free Chocolate Chip Cookies (Paleo)
Who doesn’t need a tried and true grain free chocolate chip cookie recipe? You guys! I’m so excited about sharing this one. You see, this recipe comes from my friend Carol’s new cookbook, Ditch the Wheat and I personally know Carol has poured years into making this cookbook a reality. Do you know that you…

Medical Intuitive Healers Recommend 5 Essential Oils for Comfort and Peace
Throughout life there are many ups and downs. The trials present themselves in all areas of our lives: relationships, work, health, starting a family, finding a purpose, waiting for answers, loss of a loved one, and so on. It’s during times like these that we have a really desire for comfort and peace. Last…

Easy Weeknight Meatballs (Paleo and Low Carb)
It’s been awhile since I’ve had a blog post, not because I’ve given up on low carb/paleo eating, but because life changes have limited my space (and natural light) to take food photos. I used to have a photography “studio” (really it was just an extra bedroom) with plenty of space to have all my…

Paleo Baked Apples
Apples are in season right now so it’s a perfect time to enjoy a natural dessert of paleo bakes apples. The baked apples have all the flavors of fall in a delicious dessert that you can feel good about feeding to your family and friends. To the north of us there are a lot of…

Chocolate Orange Layer Cake (Grain Free)
I just absolutely love chocolate cake, but when you change your diet it can be hard to recreate a grain free or low carb version. You may remember my Grain Free Chocolate Cake Roll recipe. When I made that recipe the texture of the cake reminded me of sponge cake and I knew I wanted…

Creamy Bacon Vinaigrette (Low Carb and Dairy Free Option)
Having an easy, homemade salad dressing makes a great real food kitchen staple. Before I changed my diet the only salad dressing I would use was ranch. Typically ranch dressing in a bottle from the store (and when you make it yourself at home from the packet) contains a lot of non-real food/inflammatory ingredients. So I…
Recognizing Contract Violations in Job Termination: Key Considerations for Employees
Employment contracts often provide a layer of protection, outlining terms that define both an employee’s and employer’s rights and responsibilities. In cases where job loss occurs, understanding the provisions of your employment contract is essential, especially when there is suspicion that the termination may have breached specific terms. Employees who believe that their termination was…

Asian Lettuce Wraps (Paleo and Low Carb)
I’m so excited about growing a garden this spring/summer! Normally I don’t have a green thumb and end up killing everything I try and grow. This year I decided to get a Tower Garden and try it out. I like to think of the Tower Garden as “brown thumb” proof because it steps you through the whole…