Summer is here and that means lots of summer barbecues, but it can be hard to navigate these gatherings to find healthy foods. If you’re not familiar with the Whole30 program, I definitely suggest checking it out here. It’s a free program I have done at least 4 times (I usually modify it for low carb/low sugar). It was the first thing I did to transition from strictly low carb to paleo/real food. Whole30 helped me ditch the low carb processed foods to a more real foods based approach, and if you’re a male, you can get supplements from these Testogen review which are great to improve the health and performance in males. We have a special guest today, Meg Marrs from Life Health HQ, sharing 5 Tips for a Whole30 Compliant 4th of July. The good news is that these tips are helpful for making healthy choices this summer whether you’re on Whole30 or not. Let’s welcome Meg!!
1. Load Up On Burgers, Steer Clear of Buns
Lucky for you, 4th of July is all about good ol’ fashioned American burgers. Sure, you’ll have to pass on the dogs, but go ahead and grab a few hamburgers (and if they’re made from grass-fed beef, even better)!
Buns are out (who really likes those boring white hamburger buns anyway?), but at most BBQs you’ll be able to find some lettuce leafs to serve as a bun substitute.
Naturally, make the most of the tomatoes, onions, and other tasty burger toppings. While you’ll have to pass on the ketchup, you can add some mustard for flavor (many brands are compliant, but double check to be safe). Also hit up the chips and salsa area to grab guac and/or salsa to top your burger with!
2. Fruit Salad For the 4th
Most BBQs will have at least one (maybe even two) fruit salad items available, so opt for that over cake or cookies. You can also bring your own red, white, and blue patriotic paleo fruit salad to serve and enjoy with other guests.
[Karen’s notes: Summer means it’s berry season so if you’re trying to limit your carbs, stick with strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and/or blueberries for a delicious summer treat. You can even top it with some unsweetened whipped coconut cream.]
3. Salute To The Seltzer
4th of July often goes hand in hand with drinking. If you’re concerned about any sans alcohol awkwardness, having some seltzer in hand goes a lot way.
Seltzer water is a Whole30 fan favorite, as its bubbly taste can give you something fun to drink around friends. As a bonus, mix seltzer water with various fruits for an irresistible Whole30 mocktail!
4. BYOD (Bring Your Own Dressing)
Prep ahead for your 4th of July BBQ and bring your own compliant salad dressing.
While there will likely be plenty of salad dishes available to you, finding a compliant dressing by the picnic tables may prove to be more of a challenge. Play it safe and bring your own!
[Karen’s notes: I absolutely love to make my own salad dressing! My favorite is this Lemon Basil salad dressing (get the recipe here).]
5. Pack That Plate
Leaving a space on your plate where tortilla and potato chips once would have resided will only make things harder. Instead, fill your entire plate with fruit, salad, and burgers so that you won’t get the feeling you’re missing out.
Keep this tips in mind and you’ll have no problems staying Whole30 compliant during your 4th of July gathering! Focus on the tasty meat, fruit, and salad you can enjoy, rather than what you can’t have.
Author Bio: Meg Marrs is the Senior Editor at Life Health HQ, a website dedicated to helping people lead healthier, happier lives! When not perusing farmers markets for the freshest fruit, Meg can be found lounging in her favorite hammock with a good book. You can also follow Life Health HQ on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!