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Grain-free Breads, Snacks & Desserts by Jill Tieman of Real Food Forager: Learn how to bake with gluten-free,grain-free flours in place of wheat.Properly prepare nuts and seeds for easy digestion. Make yummy snacks and treats that actually provide nutrients and are a positive addition to the diet.
Fast Paleo Top 100 of 2012 by James Gregory of Fast Paleo: The 100 absolute best Paleo and Primalrecipes from Paleo bloggers and enthusiasts around the web in onegreat e-cookbook. Fast Paleo Top 100 of 2012 includes everything from breakfast to slow cooker meals to baked goods and desserts.
Awaken: 30+ Egg-Free and Grain-Free Breakfasts by Karen Sorenson of Living Low Carb One Day at a Time: Breakfast ideas for those with egg allergies -– perfect for low carb, Paleo, Primal, gluten-free,
grain-free, egg-free or dairy-free diets. Takes the guess work out of stocking your grain-free pantry.