Happy New Year! If you are feeling bogged down by extra weight after the holidays, or if you just want to jumpstart healthier eating habits for this new year, this great ebook, 3 Weeks to Vitality, is on sale from January 1 until January 31 at 20% off the regular price. The book is a 21 day holistic detox program that will help you lose weight (if that’s your goal), cleanse and detox your body, kick sugar cravings, improve energy levels and sleep habits, get clear skin, reduce pain and inflammation, and just plain feel better.
Are you struggling with weight gain, brain fog, bloating, constipation, heartburn, acne, or allergies? You may be experiencing a tired liver. “You are equipped with your own internal washing machine–your liver, the body’s hardest working organ–charge with detoxifying every single thing you breathe, eat, drink, and apply to your skin.” If your liver isn’t functioning properly you can start to experience some of the symptoms listed above. Three Weeks to Vitality shows you how to naturally detox without crazy schemes and concoctions. You help rejuvenate the liver through food that supports liver functions as well as some health lifestyle techniques.
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