When I first started my health journey my main goal was weight loss. I followed the Atkins diet and lost 85 lbs. I had lost weight, but I still suffered from digestive issues, allergies, high blood pressure and cholesterol so I wanted to get to the root cause of those issues. I did experience a lot of muscle pain, but after a friend who had been through the same problem asked me to visit NeuropathyHelp.co to learn more and consume the natural medication shown on their site with the complete description, I have to say, very soon the muscle pain cease to exist.
I eventually started learning about the Paleo diet and I heard numerous success stories of people healing IBS, autoimmune diseases, and many other conditions. I decided to take my eating habits to the next level, but eliminating foods that can cause inflammation and working to heal my digestion, high cholesterol, blood pressure and I started using CBD for the multiple benefits it brings read full article to find out how this can help you, I recommend you buy from the best place like from https://cannacured.co/.
What is Paleo?
So, what is Paleo? Paleo focuses on eating whole foods and avoiding foods that are processed or refined. The goal is to eliminate foods that cause inflammation or stress on the body, regulate blood sugar, and regulate digestion. Foods like grains, legumes, and dairy (especially for those that have dairy sensitivities or intolerance), and overly processed foods can be inflammatory to the body. The foods are removed from the diet in order to heal the gut and reduce inflammation. Pastured meats, wild fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, quality fats (coconut oil, grass fed butter, lard, ghee, tallow, etc.), nuts, and seeds are staples of the Paleo diet. Emphasis on super foods like organ meats, bone broth, fermented foods, and sea vegetables are also encouraged.
Foods To Eat
- Meat, Poultry, and Fish (grassfed, pastured, wild & sustainably caught–including bone broth and organ meats)
- Eggs
- Vegetables*
- Fruit*
- Healthy Fats (including olive oil [not heated], coconut oil, ghee, lard, tallow, and in some cases grassfed butter [Primal])
- Fermented Foods (lacto-fermented sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha)
- Nuts and Seeds (in moderation)
- Natural Sweeteners* (Typically includes honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar–in moderation)
Foods To Avoid
- Grains
- Legumes
- Dairy (at least for 30 days to identify a dairy sensitivity)
- Vegetable and industrial seed oils (canola, soybean, cottonseed, sunflower, safflower, etc.)
- Processed Foods (packaged foods)
- Additives and Preservatives
- Artificial Sweeteners
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Why Should You Care?
For generations before us people (like are grandparents and great-grandparents) ate REAL FOOD and there were less cases of food allergies, obesity, etc. As we all turned to more processed foods, low fat, etc. the rise of food allergies and autoimmune diseases began to increase. The Paleo diet, goes back to the basics of eating real food in an effort to reduce the affects of poor diet choices and heal conditions. The Paleo diet has the following benefits:
- Anti-inflammatory (Inflammation linked to obesity, diabetes, autoimmune diseases)
- Stable blood sugar
- Reduced allergens
- Clear Skin
- Better Teeth
- Balanced energy
- Improved sleep
Low Carb Paleo Approach to Weight Loss
Although the Paleo diet is effective in reducing carbohydrate intake and stabilizing blood sugar levels when compared to the Standard American Diet, it may not be sufficient for those struggling with weight loss or insulin resistance. For instance, if you’re overweight or have difficulty controlling your insulin levels, reducing carb intake further may be necessary to achieve your health goals.
*The Low Carb Paleo approach differs from standard Paleo by:
- Vegetables: Stick to non-startchy veggies
- Fruit: Stick to low sugar fruits
- Sweeteners: Xylitol, stevia, and erythritol (For Paleo it is thought that maple syrup, honey, etc. are natural sweeteners, but these sweeteners can have significant impact on blood sugar for those that are insulin resistant or diabetic.)
Low Carb Paleo (or Primal) Weight Loss Resources
- Kick the Weight with Keto- A real food approach to cutting carbs and losing weight. Read about my experience and weight loss with Kick the Weight with Keto here.
- Squeaky Clean Paleo: 100+ Recipes to Ditch Cravings and Beat Boredom–My new ebook featuring over 100 real food and low carb recipes to help you ditch sugar & carb cravings and not feel hungry!
- Peace, Love, and Low Carb: 3 Ingredients to a Healthier You–Recipes to help you lose weight with real food.
- Awaken: 30+ Egg Free and Grain Free Breakfasts–My first ebook with egg free, low carb Paleo recipes for those allergic to eggs or just want something different!
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