Last year I was suffering from unexplained weight gain, fatigue, and digestive distressed. I ended up working with a holistic nutritionalist to figure out what was wrong with me. One of the tests I took revealed that I had H. Pylori. I had H. Pylori in the past and went through an antibiotic treatment to get rid of it, but was never tested again to make sure it was completely gone. This time I decided to take a more natural approach to getting rid of the h. pylori.
As people’s eating habits became worse and worse through the decades, our immune systems only grew weaker. This has left us vulnerable to many diseases we had previously been able to fight off, primarily infections from harmful bacteria like H. Pylori. This harmful gut bacteria is spreading through the population faster than ever. Here’s how you can protect yourself and your family from it.
What is H. Pylori?
H. Pylori is a bacteria that actively suppresses the production of stomach acid. It has two cell walls, which makes it twice as difficult for the body to fight off. It’s also a parasite, and is easily passed from person to person via saliva. Not good news for families, or people who use the same set of dishes!
The Dangers of H. Pylori
H Pylori infections lead to many larger health problems. It’s tied to serious health hazards such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic heartburn, gastritus, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It also raises the risk of stomach cancer by a small but significant amount.
But in general, H. Pylori infections are dangerous because this little bacterium essentially neutralizes everything useful about stomach acid. Most people actually don’t actually have enough stomach acid in their bodies, and H. Pylori actually attacks the acid that works to process essential materials and digest protein. The effects of being without these essential materials creates effects throughout the entire body.
Symptoms of H. Pylori
- Abdominal pain
- Bloating and fullness
- Indigestion
- Feeling very hungry 1 to 3 hours after eating
- Nausea (may be relieved by vomiting)
- Constipation and diarrhea
- Unexplanable weight gain.
How To Test for H. Pylori
This annoying bacteria is very sneaky. You can have absolutely no symptoms and still be infected. If you’re suspecting that you may be suffering from an H. Pylori infection, you should go directly to your current medical doctor and request a test.
The most effective diagnosing method for this infection is a stool test, primarily because H. Pylori attacks the systems that produce healthy amounts of stomach acid. After that, the second most effective is a blood test, then a breath test (looking heightened amounts of carbon dioxide, a sign of the H. Pylori infection at work). If you’re concerned that your infection may be causing stomach and intestinal damage, you may want to ask about an endoscopy. But it’s not the usual recommended option, for obvious reasons!
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How I Got Rid of it
Not only did I have H. Pylori, but I also had a parasite that I needed to get rid of. I wanted to make sure I got rid of both of them so I did a 6 week herb program for the H. Pylori and then another 6 weeks for the parasite. After the herbs, I needed to replenish my good bacteria and heal my gut so I did another 6 week gut healing program. The typical treatment for H. Pylori is antibiotics, but that can wreak havoc on your gut and I’ve been trying heal my gut in last year with a Paleo diet. I decided to work with a holistic nutritionalist and use an herbal program to get rid of both the h. pylori and the parasite. Since I’m not a medical professional I haven’t listed amounts below. You should contact a holistic nutritionalist, naturopath, or medical professional before starting an herbal supplement program.
For H. Pylori:
- GastroMend-HP (you can find it here) which is a combination of Vitamin C, DGL, Mastic Gum, “Vitamin U”, and Zinc.
- Silvercillin (you can find it here) which is a natural antibiotic
- Mastica (you can find it here) which is resin obtained from the mastic tree and is great for getting rid of H. Pylori
For the Parasite:
- Ultra MFP Forte (you can find it here) which is a combination of Grapefruit Seed Extract, Olive Leaf Extract, Berberine HCl, Burdock (root), Goldenseal (root), and Black Walnut Hull Powder
- Oil of Oregano (you can find it here) which is a natural antibiotic
- Arcetin (you can find it here) or Chinese wormwood which is known to support gut health, maintain normal balance of microbes in the intestine, and enhance bile acid secretion
For Gut Healing:
- Bone Broth and LOTS of it. I would drink at least 3-4 cups of bone broth at every day. I would make my own bone broth….you can find the recipe here.
- Prescript Assist (you can find it here) which is a plant based probiotic that helped replenish the good bacteria in my gut.
- GI Revive (you can find it here) to help heal the lining of my gut so that the bad bacteria and parasites don’t penetrate the lining of my stomach again.
- GAPS style diet (you can find the book here) which also helps heal the lining of my gut.