It’s always nice to have some different veggie options to turn to when you’re wanting something a little different. When I first started posting recipes with carrots most people were shocked because they aren’t considered “low carb” (at least not very low carb). One thing I have learned over the years is that you have to listen to your body. Sure I could eat lower carb veggies like broccoli and cauliflower, but with me having SIBO now (learn more about SIBO here) they automatically cause me to get bloated. If I instead have some carrots then I don’t get that same bloat. For me, right now, I have to focus on eating low-FODMAP vegetables and in most cases those are low carb vegetables (plus more). FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides And Polyols. They are short-chain carbohydrates and can be easily fermented by gut bacteria (especially if you have a gut impairment). You can learn more about FODMAPs here and find a list of FODMAP foods here. When I eat foods that my body responds well to, my gut has a chance to heal, I absorb my nutrients better, have reduced inflammation, and automatically lose weight naturally. I spent years trying to fit into a one size fits all approach and that doesn’t always work. Sure I lost weight, but I wasn’t truly healing and eventually hit a wall with weight loss. It’s great to have a starting point, but it’s also nice to be flexible enough to listen to what your body is telling you about the food you eat.
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- 2 lbs carrots, peeled and cut into even
- 2 Tbsp coconut oil (Get coconut oil here)
- 1 tsp real salt (Get real salt here)
- 1 tsp chopped fresh rosemary or 1 drop Rosemary essential oil (get essential oils here)
- 1 tsp chopped fresh sage or 1 drop Sage essential (get essential oils here)
- 2 lbs carrots, peeled and cut into even pieces
- 2 Tbsp coconut oil (Get coconut oil here)
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon or 1 drop Cinnamon Bark (get essential oils here)
- 1/4 tsp ground clove or 1 drop Clove (get essential oils here)
- 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg or 1 drop Nutmeg (get essential oils here)
- Bring a pot of water to a boil over high heat.
- Add carrots and boil for about 10 minutes or until tender.
- Drain the water, add the coconut oil, and use an immersion blender to blend until smooth.
- Add the salt (for savory) and desired essential oils, spices, or herbs. Stir to combine.