Pizza Spaghetti Squash Casserole Recipe
So the other day my mom shared a recipe on Facebook that was a pizza spaghetti bake that used pasta as the main ingredient. My mom usually does a good job of reducing carbs because she loves the results she gets when she leaves them out of her diet, but every once in awhile she’ll find recipes that she wants to try that are full of carbs and other non-real food ingredients. Since it’s my mother I don’t want to come off as overbearing and fanatical about not eating grains, etc. so I just left her a lovely comment saying I could make a delicious version without the pasta!
One of my favorite substitutes for pasta is spaghetti squash and I knew it would be perfect in this dish. Maybe it was because I hadn’t had pizza in awhile, but that was one of the best dinners I’ve had all year. Even my fiance, who hates spaghetti squash, loved it. I was so glad a had a few meals worth of leftovers!