This week has been a rough week for my family. After a long, courageous fight my cousin Bill lost his battle with breast cancer. You read that correctly, my male cousin had breast cancer. The typical reaction I get when I talk about Bill’s breast cancer is shock/surprise. Many people aren’t aware that men can get breast cancer, so often times it goes undiagnosed for much longer in a man. Bill, a husband and father of six children never imagined he could get breast cancer.
Male Breast Cancer, is a rare but deadly form of the disease that kills 25% of the men who are diagnosed. Thousands of men go undiagnosed every year as the number of new cases continues to rise. I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if there was the same highly recommended screening after the age of 40 for men as there is for women.
Times Like These…a Documentary
After his diagnoses, Bill made it his mission to help spread awareness about male breast cancer. His plan was have his story and the stories of other “Breast Cancer Brothers” filmed to help raise awareness. The film’s mission is to raise awareness, compel greater funding for research and clinical trials, and develop more thoughtful approaches to treatment and support. The film also plans to share the human story of life dealing with male breast cancer as well as helping to connect men with breast cancer to the support they need.
Unfortunately, Bill never got to see the completed film, but his family and friends would love to help see this project carried out. It does take funding to cover the costs of film, production, etc. I ask that you please consider making a (tax deductible) donation to this 501c3 sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts group. (Make a donation here). If you aren’t able to make a donation, please share this post to help spread awareness of Male Breast Cancer.
TIMES LIKE THESE Documentary Feature Film Trailer from Barrelmaker Films on Vimeo.
Real Food and Natural Living
I truly think modern technology has been a huge blessing in our medical care options, but I also think that what we eat, personal care products we use, etc. play a huge role in the increase in modern diseases (like Type II diabetes, cancer, etc.) It’s times like these that I’m reminded why I continue to learn as much as I can and share my health journey so that maybe with a combination of natural living and modern technology we can stop the increase we’ve had of these modern diseases and cancer. I hate seeing so many people suffering and it truly breaks me heart. For those that are currently suffering, I pray for healing and that your suffering will end.
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