It’s blueberry season here in South Carolina and I was excited to see blueberries in my CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box this week. I was looking for a good recipe that I could eat for breakfast so I decided to make a coffee cake, which was the perfect vehicle for my fresh blueberries. Don’t worry, I will have a few more tasty blueberry recipes in the next few weeks to help you use up all of those berries that are in season. I ended up making this Blueberry Coffee Cake one night so it would be all ready for breakfast the next morning. Let’s just say the coffee cake didn’t make it in the fridge completely intact. We ended up sampling some as our dessert and wow was it good! The fresh blueberries pair perfectly with the buttery cake and crumb topping. This recipe would be great for a weekend brunch or maybe even turn it into french toast by baking the bread without the crumb topping, slice it, dip it into an egg batter for french toast and sear both sides. Yum, that sounds good….too bad we didn’t have any leftover.